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High Income Skills That Make You 5 To 6 Figures A Month, Career Near Me

High Income Skills That Make You 5 To 6 Figures A Month.

by Team Dan Lok.
What if you could have high income skills that would give you the ability to take care of your family, pay other people to do those boring chores, or stop thinking about whether you can afford $4 lattes every morning? What if your job could mean more to you than just a passion or a paycheck?

If someone else could mow your lawn, or if you could go out for dinner more often without checking you’ve paid your bills first – imagine what your lifestyle would be like. Imagine how your life would change if you had high income skills.

What Are High Income Skills?
High income skills are skill sets that will earn you an income of $10,000 or more each month, or $120,000 or more a year. To put that number in context, Americans have a median household income of $61,000.

That means if you took all the total incomes of American families and lined them up from small to large, the income number you see the most often is $61,000.

Most families are making HALF what they could be making with high income skills! In a study of the cost of living for 25 of the largest cities in the USA, they found a range from $40,000 in El Paso, Texas, to $110,000 in San Francisco.

High income skills would give you enough income to cover the cost of living for all 25 of the largest US cities in this study, including, LA, Boston, and Washington, DC.

Here’s another way to think of the high income lifestyle.

It would mean picking up the phone to call the plumber when your bathtub has a problem, instead of wasting hours watching YouTube videos so you can learn to fix the problem yourself to save money. (Unless you enjoy fixing things, which I don’t.)

Now, you might be wondering, what if you don’t have a high income skill right now? How can you get one? Or, if you don’t want to go back to school to retrain, can you still acquire high income skills?

You can upgrade to a high income skill while on the job or return to school for training. Here is a list of high income skills that will make you 5 to 6 figures a month.

List Of High Income Skills To Learn.

1: Software and Web Development.
2: Entrepreneurship.
3: Copywriting, Business Writing, Technical Writing.
4: Specialized or Technical Skills.
5: Web Design and Digital Marketing.
6: Teaching, Training or Coaching.
7: Supervising Teams and Operations.
8: Legal and Administrative Skills.
9: Sales, Closing, Deal Making.
10: Public Speaking.
11: Creative Skills.
12: Financial Skills.
13: Cyber Security.
14: Artificial Intelligence.
15: Digital Content Creation.

Maybe you’re not sure which high income skills you should learn, or which one interests you more. Start by thinking about your soft skills – the traits that help you to interact with other people. Are you creative? Do you like to persuade?

LinkedIn rates those two soft skills as the two most in demand this year. It has also rated the top in-demand hard skills – the teachable skills that you learn at school. Cloud computing and artificial intelligence are at the top of the list for 2020.

If those two skills interest you, you might consider working in technology.