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5 High End Careers Or 5 High Income Skills (NO DEGREE REQUIRED), Career Near Me

5 High End Careers Or 5 High Income Skills (NO DEGREE REQUIRED), Career Near Me

by Team Dan Lok.

Will a college degree guarantee you a high-income job? We want to believe that if we invest in our future, we will have a promise of a certain level of financial security. What can we do to bulletproof our careers against changes in degree requirements and technology?

One way that you can increase your chances of achieving your financial goals is to develop a high-income skill. You can add this skill on top of your college degree or other expertise, like an extra protective shield. So what is a high-income skill?

A high income skill is a skill you can develop in short period of time to get a minimum of $10,000 a month without a degree. This is not the same as a high income job that usually requires specialized knowledge, such as engineering or law.

You can bring this skill to the marketplace and apply it to any industry. For example, copywriting is a high income skill that is used in marketing for law, engineering, medicine, education, and many other industries. You can even apply your high-income skill on top of your degree to add to your skillset and command an even higher income.

I stacked my high income skills one on top of another to develop my business empire. You don’t need to master all five to build a successful business. People have built successful businesses with just one of the high income skills.

What I will show you next is how I used all five high income skills to build a global organization.

1. Copywriting.
Have you ever read an ad so compelling that you absolutely had to buy the product, regardless of the price? The words spoke directly to your deepest desires and answered a need that ached to be resolved.

That’s copywriting, selling with the written word. You’re persuading someone in print. Copywriting is selling with the written word, a powerful tool to attract new clients or upsell current ones. It’s crafting ads, sales letters, and sales pages.

Even if you aren’t a copywriter, written persuasion is a powerful skill you can use in any career. You’re selling something with your resume, your proposal, your email, or your essay. If you can’t persuade, you can’t sell.

When I got started, I was making a couple hundred a month writing ads and literature for companies and entrepreneurs. By the time I peaked at my copywriting career in my early twenties, I was making $10,000 a month.

At that age, I thought it was a good income. Then my clients started to ask me, where should I send this ad to? They had all the copy I had written but they didn’t know where to advertise. Then I got into consulting.

2. Consulting.
My next high income skill was consulting. I became the expert who can solve a company’s problems. They asked for advice on marketing, my area of expertise.

Like a mechanic studying an engine, I would diagnose where the problems were or where things could run more efficiently. First, I did it on an hourly basis, then per project which was better, then charged a retainer fee and was paid month to month.

After consulting, I stacked on my third high-income skill, which involved technology. Again, I was paid a high income because I had skills that my clients needed.

3. Digital Marketing.
Digital marketing is a complex beast that many businesses don’t dare to tackle. Like other technology, digital marketing is constantly changing, and keeping up with the latest practices drained time and energy from most business owners.

What is digital marketing? It’s building funnels and managing social media platforms. Not only do you need copywriters to write the copy for the funnels, you also need an IT whiz to know how to load your information onto the funnel platforms.

On top of that, most businesses have social media accounts that create a vital connection to their clients and fans. The rules for posting on Facebook and generating likes are different than for Instagram and LinkedIn, so you need experts for these various platforms.

And to add to the complexity, poor quality social media posts don’t draw an audience. It’s not enough these days to have a good product or service for your business. You have to manage social media well.

As a digital marketing expert, you’re helping companies and entrepreneurs to make money through digital marketing. You’re helping them to attract their clients.

You only need a few digital marketing clients to make $10,000 a month in your spare time. And you can charge them a recurring fee to simplify your accounting.

4. YouTuber.
Less than a generation ago, no one knew what an “internet celebrity” was. No child dreamed of becoming a beauty blogger someday. And definitely not a single human being thought a child could earn millions with home recorded videos on YouTube.

Who would have thought strangers on the other side of the world would be interested in watching you take items out of a box? Yet, people love unboxing videos. People want to hear other people’s opinions about movies and deleted scenes.

People learn knowledge and skills from both professional and homemade videos. You can gain fame as a YouTuber. It’s also possible to make a high income as a YouTube influencer.

It takes a little while to get going. But eventually you can get AdSense revenue which is getting paid for a certain number of clicks on your ad. One way to make a good living is to share your passion or your hobby on YouTube. Travel videos are also popular.

You can impact and help people around the world with your message and your story. I’ve got over a million subscribers watching my videos on my YouTube channel. Becoming a YouTube influencer is my fourth high-income skill. My fifth skill is one that applies to all industries and careers.

5. High-Ticket Closing.
High-ticketing closing, the ability to close sales, is the most powerful high-income skill. It makes the other four work better. When it comes to copywriting, consulting, digital marketing, and YouTube, closing skills are what you need to close your clients.

When you’re copywriting, you need to write compelling copy that sells. With social media, you want to close your followers on trusting your brand and buying your product. When you’re making YouTube videos, you need to be able to effectively communicate your message.

Even in your personal and professional life, you need to be able to close. If you can’t close your boss or client to hire you, you won’t have work. If you can’t persuade your date to spend their life with you, you also can’t close.

Everyday, you are closing, which makes this skill the cherry on top of your degree or any other skills that you have. It makes your value to the marketplace so much stronger.

Closing is what makes all the other skills work. It all boils down to the ability to communicate.

Communication = wealth.

Always work on your communication skills.
Final Thoughts On The Five High-End Careers
Those are the five high-income skills that I have personally done. I’m a college drop-out who built a business empire by mastering my high-income skills.

When I grow my companies, I take these skill sets to transition and grow my companies to millions and millions in revenue. I have a dedicated copywriting team and a dedicated digital marketing team. I even have a team of closers.

If you’re in college or wondering how you can guarantee yourself a high income after college, then learn a high-income skill – a skill that will make you $10,000 a month or more.

Your degree will give you specialized knowledge or a specialized skill. But having a high-income skill is what guarantees the financial success of your goals. It’s your financial security blanket.

Which high-income skill will you learn? Comment below.