, pub-2771377137987722, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Simple, yet powerful – The skill of self confidence from Dr. Ivan Joseph’s TEDx talk, Career Near Me | CAREER NEAR ME -->

Simple, yet powerful – The skill of self confidence from Dr. Ivan Joseph’s TEDx talk, Career Near Me

Simple, yet powerful – The skill of self confidence from Dr. Ivan Joseph’s TEDx talk, Career Near Me

Today, we will ponder on Dr. Ivan Joseph’s talk ‘The skill of self-confidence’.
The talk is simple, yet powerful. Dr. Ivan stresses some important points throughout the talk. Though the talk was conducted in 2012, every point is still relevant.

The points are summarized below.

Dr. Ivan says, “Without self-confidence skill, you are useless as a soccer player.”
He uses the word skill for self-confidence intentionally.
Self-confidence: “The ability or belief to believe in yourself to accomplish any task no matter the odds, no matter the difficulty, no matter the adversity. The belief that you can accomplish it.”
He uses the word skill as he believes we can be trained.
Simple mantra: There is no magic button. Repetition is the key. Don’t bail after first failure or adversity. Practice and Persistence are important.
Pressure builds diamonds.

“Get out there. Do what you have to do and do not accept No.”
He says, “We all have this negative self-talk that goes in our head. There are enough people that are telling us we can’t do it. That we’re not good enough. Why do we want to tell ourselves that? We know for a fact that thoughts influence actions. We need to get our self-affirmations. Who else will tell you?”
Affirm to yourself in your quiet moments that “I am the captain of my ship and master of my fate.”

“Get away from people who will tear you down.”
Remind yourself in the quiet, silent moments.
Have a list next to your bedside of who you are, who you stand for, how good you are.
Write a self-confidence letter to yourself.
They’re moments in life when we won’t feel good about who and what we are and how good we are.
Stop the negative self-talk.
Remind yourself who you are when doubt and fear surfaces.

2 ways to build self-confidence.

1. We are coaches. We are people who will build value in the world. As a coach, don’t crush people. Catch people when they’re good. Praise the positive behavior that you want to encourage.
2. Self-confident people interpret feedback the way they choose to.
No one will believe in you unless you do.

He ends with “We are supposed to be different. When people look at us, believe in yourself.”

As I stated earlier, “The talk is simple, yet powerful. Dr. Ivan left me with thoughts and action items for myself, that were positive and showed me the path to build the skill of self-confidence.”