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How to Get Through Nursing School, Career Near Me

How to Get Through Nursing School, Career Near Me

Nursing school is a multi-year experience (usually lasting 2 or 4 years, depending on your program) that will be both challenging and rewarding. While you may occasionally feel a bit overwhelmed by the workload, keep in mind that you're on your way to starting a career dedicated to healing and helping people. To get through this learning experience, prioritize studying and avoid distractions. You'll also want to take advantage of your clinical rotations, as these will prepare you to interact with your patients. Finally, don't forget to keep yourself healthy, too!

Method 1 Developing Good Study Habits.
1. Study in small blocks each day instead of cramming. Dedicate at least 1-2 hours each day to reading and studying in a quiet and calm area. Take good notes on your readings and in your classes to ensure that you're ready to do big reviews for tests. And be sure to avoid pulling all-nighters to cram in information that could have been slowly absorbed over time.
Cram sessions may sometimes be unavoidable (like during midterms or finals). Don't make this the norm, however. You won't learn and retain the information as effectively.
2. Use small study sessions to review your notes during the day. While you should reserve most of your studying and reading for quiet times when you're able to concentrate, it's a great idea to supplement these blocks by constantly reviewing your notes. For example, take 5-10 minutes both before and after each class to glance through what you've written down during recent lectures.
You can also read your notes during your commute, exercise time, and/or whenever you're waiting in line at the grocery store.
If you drive yourself to and from school, record your notes on your smartphone and listen to them while you drive.
3. Form a study group of smart students who challenge you. Gather 5-6 friends and meet at least once per week to review. If possible, fill your group with people who excel in different courses. This will allow all of you to benefit from each other's expertise. Don't let your study group get much larger than 6 people, as this could turn into more of a social hour than a study session.
Take turns leading the study session. The leader can make sure everyone stays on task and steer the conversation back to your courses, if necessary.
4. Begin your study session with a meditation. Studying isn't going to be your favorite thing to do. It'll probably stress you out and won't be very fun. To begin studying with a motivated and positive mindset, repeat a mantra out loud to yourself (or to your group). Keep the mantra simple and goal-oriented.
For example, you could say: “Two hours of studying today brings us closer to saving lives tomorrow.”
5. Avoid distractions while you're studying. The content you're trying to absorb is complicated. Don't make studying harder by checking your phone constantly! Turn off notifications on your phone and don't go on the internet except when you need it for studying. Avoid listening to music with lyrics.
Find someplace in your home, the library, or a coffee shop to do all of your studying. The spot should well-lit, quiet, and calm.
You can use apps and internet add-ons to block out distractions on your computer and devices. Google “best apps and add-ons for studying” to find them. Some are a bit pricey, but many others are free.
6. Complete the assigned readings to prep for your classes. Readings are designed to expose you to the material that's going to be covered in more detail during lectures. Doing the readings will help you identify anything that confuses you and make your classes more effective.
Be aware that your instructors are likely assuming that you'll work on your readings each night.
7. Attend every class and pay careful attention. If you put in the work day-by-day in your courses, you'll feel more prepared for the toughest parts of nursing school. Bring a bottle of water to stay hydrated and energetic during class. Take detailed notes and ask questions when you need clarification from your instructor.
If something comes up and you need to miss class, get in touch with your professor right away. Ask them what you missed and see if they'd be willing to meet with you one-on-one to go over the material.
If you enjoy drinking coffee, drink a cup about 30 minutes before you go to your first class. This'll give you a boost that should kick in right when class begins!
8. Develop a schedule with your family to minimize stress. Even if you're only taking care of yourself and a cat, staying on top of life's demands may get tricky during nursing school. Buy a big desk calendar and write in important reminders for things like paying bills, attending family events, coordinating pickups and dropoffs, and going to the doctor or dentist. Keep a notebook next to the calendar to make grocery and other to-do lists.
Emergencies are sometimes unavoidable, but you can prepare for these events, too. Have a support network in place by developing a relationship with a great babysitter and/or petsitter. This will help you get through nursing school without stressing as much about your family.
You can also rely on family and friends.

Method 2 Handling Clinical Rotations.
1. Show up on time for every shift. Your clinical rotations give you the opportunity to connect with other nurses and medical professionals. Make a good impression by arranging your schedule to ensure that you're on time (or, even better, 5-10 minutes early!) every time you're expected at the hospital.
Pretend that your shift starts a half hour before it actually does to get into this habit.
2. Follow your school's dress code. Most schools will require you to wear a special color of scrubs. This will help the hospital personnel identify you as a student. Buy at least 2-3 pairs of scrubs and do laundry in the middle of the week to keep your scrubs clean and sanitary.
You may also need to cover up tattoos, wear a minimal amount of jewelry, and avoid putting fragrances on your skin.
Some schools will also require you to sew a name patch onto your top. Check your school's student handbook to find out the exact dress code for clinicals.
3. Ask your instructors for help if you need it. The nurses who are in charge of your clinicals are your best resource for this phase of nursing school. Don't be shy or embarrassed when you don't know how to do something. Be honest about your knowledge and abilities so your teachers can help you be the best possible nurse you can be.
Being dishonest about what you can and can't do could be dangerous for you and your patients. Remember that you're a student! Your job right now is to learn and improve.
4. Prepare for each rotation by reading up on relevant topics. You won't be able to learn the answer to every question ahead of time. However, if you know you're going to be shadowing a nurse anesthetist, review your notes, texts, and go online to find information about that branch of medicine.
Use the internet carefully. Only trust information from reputable medical organizations such as the Mayo Clinic, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Health Service (NHS), or the World Health Organization (WHO).
5. Volunteer to do procedures whenever you can. Any time that an instructor gives you the opportunity to practice putting in an IV or a catheter, take it! Be sure to also assist nurses with daily tasks like cleaning bedpans or passing out meals. Your teachers will appreciate your willingness to do the maximum amount of work each day, and you'll gain valuable experience.
6. Avoid complaining or gossiping while at the hospital. Don't involve yourself in workplace drama. Be professional, kind, and compassionate to all of the hospital workers. You don't want interpersonal problems to threaten your education!
If someone begins talking to you about another professional at the hospital, gently say something like: “I don't think I'm the right person to hear that information.” You can then change the subject: “I'd love to hear how your weekend was, though!”

Method 3 Taking Care of Yourself during Nursing School.
1. Sleep for at least 7-8 hours each night. While you're in nursing school, you're going to be busy. You'll have so much to do every day that it'll be tempting to cut back on sleep to fit it all in. Resist that urge! Sleep is crucial for your overall health, and it'll help you retain the information you're learning.
Practice good sleep hygiene by waking up and going to bed at roughly the same time each morning and night. Don't check your devices right before you go to sleep and keep your bedroom quiet and dark.
2. Eat healthy and well-balanced meals to maintain your energy. Your diet is directly connected to how well your brain works! Eat small, frequent meals rather than large ones that leave you feeling sluggish. Incorporate foods with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants into those meals. You should also consume lean proteins, whole grains, and lots of fruits and veggies.
These smaller meals may actually work better for your nursing school schedule! You can take small snack breaks and a lunch in between classes.
A sample meal plan could be as follows: eat plain oatmeal and a hard-boiled egg for breakfast. Have a mid-morning snack of yogurt and berries. Pack a spinach salad with almonds, cranberries, and an olive oil drizzle for lunch. Eat a banana or an apple and a handful of nuts in the afternoon. Finally, make grilled chicken and a small whole-grain pasta salad with cherry tomatoes, olives, and feta cheese for dinner.
3. Journal before you go to sleep to turn your mind off. Nursing school is going to make you feel like you've constantly got a million things on your plate. Having all of these tasks running through your mind isn't going to help you get the sleep you desperately need. Keep a notebook by your bed to write about (and put into perspective) the things that are stressing you out.
4. Integrate exercise into your study sessions. Just like sleep and healthy eating, exercise is crucial for staying healthy and learning well. If you can, go to the gym and use machines like the bike or the elliptical that allow you to read while exercising. You can also record your notes and listen to them while you're jogging, strength training, or stretching.
If possible, find a gym near your home or the school so you can minimize travel time.
5. Set manageable goals to avoid getting overwhelmed. Break big goals (like graduating) down into smaller tasks (like finishing tonight's reading). If you only focus on the very end goal, you may feel like it's just too much for you to handle. Stay calm by remembering that it's a lot of little things and hard work each day that'll get you through this long tunnel!
6. Reward yourself to stay motivated. You'll probably have some bad days during your nursing school experience. To get through these difficult periods, add small and large things that make you happy into your daily or weekly schedule.
For example, light a candle for dinner each night if it makes you smile. Set aside an hour each week for your favorite show. And don't forget to schedule time to completely and totally relax with your family and friends at least once per week!


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