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How to Deal with Stress and Fatigue As a Nurse, Career Near Me

How to Deal with Stress and Fatigue As a Nurse, Career Near Me

Being a nurse can be a stressful job at the best of times. When you find yourself working nights, picking up extra shifts, and pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion to take care of your patients, fatigue and stress can become a part of everyday life – not just an occasional nuisance. Constant stress may contribute to burnout, so it’s important to know how to take care of yourself as a nurse. You can live a healthier, better-adjusted life by finding ways to cut down on stress, taking care of your physical health, and balancing your work with your personal life.

Part 1 Reducing Stress.
1. Know what you can change and what you can’t. Trying to control everything in your life and at work can be a major source of stress. Accept that nursing work will always come with some situations that aren’t ideal. Look for creative ways to work with or around these situations, instead of trying to change them.
You might not be able to control your hours, your co-workers, and your patients, but you can control your reactions to demanding situations.
2. Take an active approach to problem-solving. Instead of letting work-related worries get the better of you, shift your focus to problem-solving. When you find yourself stressing about something you can control, figure out what you need to do to resolve the situation. Then break the solution down into simple steps that you can take one at a time.
For instance, if you feel like you never have enough time to get everything done during a shift, brainstorm or do some research to come up with organizational techniques that will help you work more efficiently.
3. Challenge negative thinking. As a nurse, you might put pressure on yourself to do a perfect job every day, but that’s not a reasonable expectation. Notice when you start putting yourself down or thinking in all-or-nothing terms. Remind yourself that you’re doing the best job you can and that you don’t have to be superhuman to care for your patients well.
For instance, if you can’t stop thinking about one mistake you made, remind yourself of all the other things you’ve done right.
4. Manage your time wisely. Poor time management can be a major source of stress. Get into the habit of leaving for work a few minutes early, so you can feel calm and collected when you arrive. If you struggle to get enough sleep or spend time with your loved ones, use a planner or an app to build these activities into your daily schedule.
5. Find ways to relax. Taking the time to do some relaxation exercises can help you feel calmer and more centered for the rest of the day. At work, you can use deep breathing techniques or do visualization exercises. At home, try meditating or writing in a journal.
6. Reach out to your coworkers for support. Social support is an essential part of keeping your stress levels down. Making connections with your fellow nurses will give you a sense of camaraderie and help you get through tough shifts together. Befriend your coworkers by taking breaks together and finding humor in your work when you can.

Part 2 Maintaining a Good Work-Life Balance.
1. Avoid taking on more work than you can handle. It’s okay to say “no” when someone asks you to take an extra shift you know you can’t manage. You’re not doing yourself, your workplace, or your patients any favors if you’re too tired to function. Don’t feel guilty for knowing and respecting your limits.
2. Spend time with friends and family. Seeing your loved ones can be a great reprieve from work-related stress, and your friends and family can provide a caring ear when you need someone to talk to. Social support is one of the biggest keys to overall wellness, so nurture your relationships outside of the workplace.
Even if you don’t have a great deal of free time, a quick phone call or a chat over a cup of coffee can help you stay connected with your loved ones.
3. Make time for meaningful activities. Carve out some time every day to do something that matters to you. Whether you prefer working on creative projects, learning new skills, or participating in faith-based activities, maintaining a well-rounded life will refill your emotional well and keep your overall stress levels down.
4. Be alert for signs of burnout. Burnout is a condition that can happen when you’ve been stressed and overworked for too long. If you feel exhausted, unmotivated, and cynical much of the time, you could be burned out from the pressure of work. Burnout is usually a sign that you need to reevaluate your priorities and adopt a more sustainable lifestyle.
Burnout can also show up in physical ways like unexplained headaches or backaches as well as changes in your sleep or appetite. Some people may even turn to drugs or alcohol when work is becoming too stressful.
If you think you’re dealing with burnout, it’s especially important to reach out for social support and build self-care into your routine. Consider reaching out to an employee assistance program to discover more positive outlets for stress or set a goal to seek a new position or a completely different career path based on your interests and skills.
5. Take advantage of vacation days. Very often nurses may be so committed to the care of patients and their families that they neglect to care for themselves. If you have vacation days that are close to expiring and stress seems to be pulling you under, take a much-needed break. It appears that those who regularly vacation experience reduced stress, more positive thinking, and improved health indicators.[10]
Your vacation doesn't have to be lavish and exotic, if your budget or time doesn't allow it. Take a weekend getaway with a partner, your kids, or a close friend to a nearby city that's within driving distance. Explore your own area by visiting museums, art galleries, or finding a local hiking trail. Or, simply find a good book to read and snuggle up on your couch for a few days with a relaxing "staycation."

Part 3 Staying Healthy.
1. Get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation is bad for your mood, your health, and your motivation. If you have an irregular sleep schedule, blackout curtains and earplugs may help you fall asleep more easily. Make sure to communicate with your children and partner about your sleep schedule, so they know not to wake you up.
If you find it difficult to wind down at the end of a long day, consider creating a short bedtime ritual. Taking a warm bath or reading a book can help you relax enough to fall asleep.
Avoid consuming caffeine or alcohol close to bedtime.
2. Exercise regularly. Exercise relieves stress, boosts your mood, and keeps you fit, all of which will help you function better at work. If you don’t have time to hit the gym regularly, try to work exercise into your everyday life. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a walk with a co-worker on your lunch break, and adopt active hobbies.
3. Eat a nutritious diet. To stay energetic all day at work, avoid eating highly-processed, sugary foods. Candy, doughnuts, and other treats might give you a short burst of energy, but they’ll eventually make your blood sugar crash, causing mood swings and sleepiness. Instead, eat whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts, which will give you a more sustained boost of energy.
Prepare healthy snacks and meals ahead of time, so you don’t end up choosing less nutritious options out of convenience.
4. Take naps. Short naps can help you stay alert for longer periods of time and avoid fatigue-related accidents. If you’re working overnight or taking back-to-back shifts, sneaking in a catnap can be especially beneficial.
Use your judgment when it comes to napping. Some workplaces don’t allow nurses to nap during their breaks.
5. Use stimulants carefully. Caffeine can help you stay alert and energized during a long day, so don’t hesitate to have a cup or two of coffee. Avoid overdoing it, though. Too much caffeine can produce an effect similar to a sugar crash, and it can cause health problems in the long run.
Avoid non-diet carbonated drinks or energy drinks. The sugar in these beverages may outweigh the benefits of the caffeine.
It typically takes 20 to 30 minutes to feel the effects of caffeine, so time your cup of coffee accordingly.

Community Q&A.

Question : How can I quickly manage my stress?
Answer : When you're feeling stressed, start by taking deep breathes so you can start calming down. You may also try doing visualizations or drawing as an outlet.