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Feeling Lost Leads To Greatness: Career Expert Maxie McCoy Has 5 Reasons Why, Career Near Me

Feeling Lost Leads To Greatness: Career Expert Maxie McCoy Has 5 Reasons Why, Career Near Me

By Karin Eldor.

“I’m so lost.”
How many times have you heard a friend say this or felt this yourself? After all, today’s culture has created an incessant need to discover our passion and know our purpose.
Career expert Maxie McCoy heard this statement so often, she created a roadmap for women looking to navigate their career journey and help discover their path with her book, You’re Not Lost: An Inspired Action Plan for Finding Your Own Way.
As an acclaimed author, mentor and speaker who inspires women at conferences and successfully pivoted from a career in sports broadcasting, McCoy is well-poised to offer advice on the topic. So much so, she's obsessed with giving women the tools they need to believe in themselves.
“What I’m trying to help us all realize is that ‘finding our way’ requires nothing more than a return to ourselves. To connecting back to how wildly powerful we already are and continuing to take steps that are aligned with that,” McCoy explains.
So whether you’re trying to figure out your next move while in a job you’re not passionate about or mapping out your five-year plan, McCoy offers up actionable advice and tactics in You’re Not Lost.  The good news? You almost need to be lost to find your way. Here are five reasons why.

1. It forces you to do the inner work. Feeling lost requires you to do the self-work and dig deep about what lights you up. In order to do so, it's critical that you push back on distractions disguised as projects and obligations. Piling on the 'busy' won’t allow you to do the type of self-work that McCoy recommends, in order to get closer to discovering what fills you up.
McCoy explains: “Distractions do nothing but detract. But when you’re feeling lost, it's so much easier to try and hide from that reality. To not acknowledge it and make yourself really busy instead. We do this in all kinds of different ways: by taking on more at work, working longer hours, changing jobs, saying yes to anything and everything. Basically anything that masks our truth is a distraction.”
What does this look like, according to McCoy?
“It’s only the truth of your lost feelings that will get you to look at where you’ve steered away from yourself and from the highest possible expression of you, to get to clarity and then to action. It’s the bathroom floor moments. It’s the weeks of feeling in a funk. It’s being willing to be off but to ask yourself ‘what’s here?’ instead of mindlessly trying to make a change in order to feel anything other than lost. These messy feelings are part of the process of moving you forward. If I had never felt lost and never honored those feelings, I’d never be here. And the same is true for all of us. You won’t get there unless you’re willing to be here, lost and all, and choose to explore that and know it’s part of the ascent."
Know that it will take time: "Everyone wants an immediate solution to feeling lost. But core to the process is sitting in your shit and getting curious. These wildly uncomfortable moments can wake us up to what's really going on. Most of the answers to where we’re going are in the stories of where we’ve already been."

2. It encourages you to look back. Creating the space to do the (uncomfortable) work is a large part of the battle. The next big step according to McCoy is looking back.
“Reflecting is a powerful force in telling us what we really want to do next. Stop everything and look back: you gain perspective on the present by looking at the full story of your past. We’re too obsessed with end goals and 'shoulds' and old dreams and fitting in, that we’re unable to let the next step be good enough.”
Here's where to start, according to McCoy: "Reflect on what you loved and hated about past jobs. Reflect on what puts a fire in your belly. Reflect on the times you felt the most proud. Reflect on what projects filled you with lightness. From there, you’ll see themes and values that are core to who you are and what you care about."

3. It helps you discover what you don’t enjoy. Finding out what you love includes a process of elimination. That's part of how McCoy found her way, early on in her career.
“The first time I felt completely and utterly lost was after my big sports broadcasting dream didn’t pan out. It was everything I’d said I wanted. But I realized really quickly that I didn’t want to be reading sports scores off a teleprompter for the rest of my life. So I took a new job in a new city that was still in the sports arena, but had a social good component. It wasn’t the right role, which plunged me further into my own lost feelings. Everything I had said I wanted, I didn’t want anymore. But I didn’t know what I did want. Which meant I didn’t know what to do next or what to change. I legitimately felt so lost it was paralyzing — and affecting my health. Everyone says, ‘follow your passions and find your purpose,’ but I was so confused and stuck and lost, I couldn’t have told you what that was. So out of desperation, I signed up for a writing class on Tuesday nights. It was all I could think to do to get me back to the basics of things that energized me: a hobby I’d always loved (writing) and a topic I’d always cared about (women). If I hadn’t have felt the depth of that darkness, I never would have looked around to ask the question: What really lights me up? What energizes me? What work is the highest expression of my best self?

4. It can lead to other opportunities you never imagined would come your way. No career journey is linear, so putting pressure on yourself by designing a five- or 10-year plan is futile. McCoy learned one of her biggest career lessons during one of her highest moments of feeling lost at a job she loved:
“The second time I felt lost was when I was running the global offline communities at Levo (a career platform for professional women) and my blog had been building on the side. My audience and followers were starting to ask for more (like books, online programs and speaking events). But I was so unsure of what it was all supposed to look like. I didn’t know what to do with it, but I also knew that community building wasn’t my end game. So here I was again, knowing why I was here (to support the global rise of women) but unsure of where it all goes. I was desperate for certainty. But we don’t know the path before we get on it. We make it while we’re stepping."
Turns out that McCoy's role at Levo served as the rocket ship that propelled her career: it led to speaking opportunities at Create & Cultivate, introduced her to key ladies in her current #GirlGang and paved the way for hosting webinars on career-related sites (including Levo).

5. You’ll pay attention to the small (yet great!) stuff. Part of being lost can mean being lost in the shuffle of the day-to-day. Once you gain clarity on what fills you up and what you don't enjoy, do something small to put that energy into motion. McCoy continues: "Whether that’s inquiring about a new industry, sending an email to an old colleague, signing up for a new class, or researching a hobby, these small plans and steps make up the masterpiece of our future. And know that those small steps will be boring, and glory-less, and not Instagram-worthy. But if we keep taking them and keep going, the path will reveal itself and the lost feelings will dissipate. You won’t always feel lost. But you’ll always find your way.
And whatever you do, McCoy warns, do not play the comparison game.
“ No one knows what they’re doing most of the time. We’re all just winging it. And those who tend to figure out their paths and continue to grow and accomplish, are the ones who don’t let doubt stop them and start anyways."