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How to Become a Nursing Home Administrator in Ohio, Career Near Me

How to Become a Nursing Home Administrator in Ohio, Career Near Me

A nursing home administrator is responsible for the efficient and effective running of a nursing home, from admitting patients and coordinating their care to managing budgets and hiring employees. In addition, a nursing home administrator is in charge of ensuring that the nursing home is in full compliance with federal and state health care regulations and requirements. Becoming a nursing home administrator involves both academic education and practical experience, and can offer a rewarding career to those who enjoy managing others and making sure that patients get the best possible care. Read the following steps to learn how to become a nursing home administrator in Ohio.


1. Attain your bachelor's or master's degree. In Ohio, you need a bachelor's or master's degree with 100 clock hours in Core of Knowledge subjects, and it's best if your degree is in a healthcare related field. In addition, taking business and management classes can provide you with the foundation necessary to manage the day-to-day affairs of a nursing home in Ohio.
2. Find an educational institute that offers nursing home administrator certification courses. You can do courses on the Internet and on a campus, so choose the type of education that works best for you.
3. Obtain an internship at a nursing home in Ohio. In Ohio, you're required to complete a 9 month internship if you have a bachelor's degree or a 6 month internship if you have a master's before obtaining your certification in health care administration. Being part of the administrative office will allow you to see the workings of a nursing home first-hand and experience all of the different aspects of a nursing home administrator's job.
4. Pass the Ohio State Exam for healthcare administration. Without your state certification, you will not be allowed to work as a nursing home administrator.
5. Pass the Nursing Home National Exam to obtain your national certification. You'll need this in addition to your state certification before you can apply for a job in healthcare administration.
6. Apply for a position as a nursing home administrator at a number of nursing homes in Ohio.
You can respond to classifieds on job boards, in trade magazines, or in the newspaper
In addition, there are headhunting agencies that cater to the healthcare industry that can help you find a position.
You can also submit your resume uninvited to nursing homes. Sometimes positions open up unexpectedly, and if your resume is already there, you might get a call back for an interview.
Make sure your resume and cover letter are professional and clear. Provide references that can vouch for your qualifications and speak highly of your professional achievements. Wait 2 weeks before following up with a call.
7. Research the financial health of any nursing home that offers you a position. It's a good idea to be fully aware of not only the organizational challenges you'll face upon accepting, but also the financial situation. Furthermore, clearly define your duties in your contract before accepting to avoid committing to too many responsibilities.
8. Maintain your certification. The state of Ohio requires that you earn continuing education credits to maintain your certification, so be sure to take the appropriate courses each year to remain current.

Community Q&A.

Question : What is the average salary of a Nursing Home Administrator?
Answer : It depends on the size of home as well as the state you work in. CMS regulatory recently made it easier for nursing homes to be cited for substandard quality of care. When this occurs both the administrator as well as the Director of Nursing Services are referred to their respective boards for investigation of violation of administrative codes and can lead to enforcement CEU's, fines, and so forth. Administrators generally earn a low of $75K to $115K, but with tightening rules companies will want to avoid fines and will have to be willing to pay more.
Question : How can I renew an expired nursing home administrator license?
Answer : In Ohio, if it has been less than 1 year since your last renewal due date, you can do your CEs as well as the penalty CEs for each calendar quarter you are late. If it has been more than one year, you either have to have a license in another state to come back as reciprocity and just take the Ohio exam again, or if you are not licensed in another state, you would have to retest. Contact the BELTSS Board for details on your specific situation.