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How Do I Find My Career if I'm Lost, Career Near Me

How Do I Find My Career if I'm Lost, Career Near Me

By Thomas Metcalf.
Careers are an important part of most people's identity, and when we cannot find a career path that we can embrace with enthusiasm, we tend to feel lost. Whether the frustration is born of misguided goals or unrealistic expectations, it is a problem that can be addressed. Getting on the right career path may take some time, but it is a good investment. A life is too valuable to waste on a job that you just don't like.

Fighting the Blues.

The despondency that takes over your life when you lack direction can be crippling. In the fast-paced world we inhabit, it is difficult to slow down, but it is necessary. Examine your life. Social media keep us connected 24/7, but while we can dash off a Tweet, send and receive emails, and click on anything we wish on our cell phones, many people suffer from mental overload. The human mind was not programmed to be saturated with information. Information overload can reach a point where we cannot concentrate. Also, the media paint an unrealistic image of the world, giving us false expectations. Perhaps you cannot enjoy the luxury of walking away from everything, but you must simplify your life in order to move forward.

Why You Are Lost.

If you feel that you are lost with your career path, you should question why you are doing what you do. What seemed like a good career choice when you took your first job out of college may not have turned out the way you planned. Without a sense of commitment to the choice you made, you feel lost. Perhaps you were encouraged by others to pursue a career where you have no aptitude, so you end up living someone else's dreams and ambitions, not your own. The first step in getting back on track is to admit you made a mistake.

Changing Directions.

Socrates said it a long time ago – know thyself. We get that lost feeling when we do not know what to do and we drift from one day to the next. If you do not have a clear sense of purpose, begin by taking an inventory of your skills and interests. Ask yourself what you are passionate about – what your interests are and how you would spend your time if money was no object. If you can identify your passion, then you can take steps to find career employment in that field. To improve your skills, consider continuing-education courses, either online or from a local college. See what your current employer can provide for tuition assistance. Volunteer with local charities; you will help others and build your people skills at the same time.

Transferable Skills.

If you are an older worker, you may be seeking a new direction after being laid off. Even if recent employment offers no promise or excitement, there is no reason to despair. Any employment can give you transferable skills. You may have management experience, writing and oral communication skills, organization and time-management proficiency, or research ability. Consider the skills that you have acquired from non-work activities such as church leadership, volunteer work or hobbies. The lost feeling comes from identifying with a job that no longer exists. Your skills inventory is your professional persona, and that stays with you wherever you go.

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