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9 Ways to Future Proof Your Career (part 1), Career Near Me

9 Ways to Future Proof Your Career (part 1), Career Near Me

Staying Relevant for Tomorrow's World.

What will your job look like five years from now? Will it even exist in five, 10 or 20 years? And what will happen to the organization and industry you work for?

We don't know what the future holds, but we do know that we live in changing, turbulent times . This means that your job description could be very different – or even irrelevant – in the years to come.

If your skillset or experience fall "behind the times," you may struggle to find work or gain promotion. But there are strategies that you can put in place now to ensure that you don't hit a career "dead end."

How to Future Proof Your Career.
Before exploring the nine strategies, it's worth considering your own mindset. You will likely give yourself more chance of success if you can develop a growth mindset .

In other words, you should believe that, with effort, perseverance and drive, you can overcome obstacles and develop your skills, and take responsibility for your own success.

1. Find an "Academy" Organization.
Whether you're starting out in your career or have an opportunity to change direction midway, apply for roles at companies that invest in their people's development. Telecoms company AT&T®, HR services provider Randstad®, and hotel chain Marriott International®, for example, are among those known for the quality of their training and development programs.

When you work for organizations like these, you'll more likely fulfill your potential. You'll be enrolled in continuous development programs that go beyond the technical skills you need for your current role.

2. Remain Tech-Savvy.
Push yourself to keep your technical skills current, even if new developments don't seem directly related to your current job. Otherwise, you may need to catch up a huge amount before you can head off in a new direction in the future.

If that means becoming familiar with coding, virtual whiteboards, wearable technology, or AI, do it. And if you're in a highly technical field of work, be proactive and stay current – even if your company does not.

3. Develop Skills to Carry With You.
Continue your professional development by learning the transferable skills that all employers seek. Skills such as leadership, communication, innovation, and stress management, for example, are core competencies in the jobs of today and tomorrow.

Developing a broad range of competencies, skills and abilities can help you to secure a new job or open the door to working in a new industry. That's why you might see, for example, a nurse with business skills, and a web designer with financial experience.

Here are some ways to do this.

Use the tips in our Personal Goal Setting  article to set development goals for yourself.
Choose two competencies or skills to improve each year. Monitor and track your progress (apps like Strides  and Lifetick can be useful here).
Develop a five-year personal learning plan  to acquire the knowledge and education you need.
Develop broad cross-functional skills . Beyond a certain stage in your career, and in uncertain environments, specialization can pay off, but you run a high risk of your skills and knowledge becoming outdated.
4. Think Globally
Look beyond your local business community, find out about your sector in other territories, and open your mind to new attitudes and techniques.

Businesses operate more globally – and are more culturally diverse – than ever before, and chances are that your co-workers, clients and stakeholders work throughout the world. The more experience you can get of working with them, the more confident you'll be. This will make you more attractive to employers of the future.

You could develop your ability to work globally  by learning about working with diverse cultures , by asking for assignments that require international exposure or connections, and by learning another language.

5. Keep a "Success Journal".
Keep a record of what you do well, the accolades that you've received, and the results that you've been responsible for. Employers want to know what you'll do for them, and it's easier to recall your successes and strengths when you have an accurate, up-to-date list to hand.

The time to do this is now – not while you're applying for a promotion or about to switch roles.

Start by tracking your duties, projects and results, and listing the professional development activities that you've participated in. List any training that you've completed, note any volunteer work, and file appraisals and emails that mention your performance.

Use this success journal to continually record your strengths and successes, and to affirm your qualities. We all need to boost our confidence and self-esteem at times.

Having an objective list of strengths and accomplishments, and a positive reputation , can boost your motivation and belief in your abilities. It's also a great way to overcome impostor syndrome  and to prove to yourself that you can do it!