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How to Succeed in Nursing School, Career Near Me

How to Succeed in Nursing School, Career Near Me

Getting into nursing school is a challenge in itself, but now that you’re accepted, you're ready to start on a long but rewarding journey toward a new and exciting career in medicine. Be sure to go to class on time and study in advance to master the material. Volunteer and participate in clinicals to learn as much as you can. Keep your personal life and education balanced as best as you can in order to get through nursing school on top. With some time management and effective study skills, you can succeed in nursing school.

Method 1 Mastering the Material.
1. Buy all of your books and supplies ahead of time so you are prepared. As a nursing student, you must hit the ground running as soon as your semester starts. Ensure you have the required textbooks for your classes, purchase a backpack or messenger bag, and stock up on pens, highlighters, and notebooks. You’ll also need a stethoscope, a watch with a second hand, and scrubs for most clinical sessions. Get your supplies at least 1 week before your semester begins, if you can.
If you wait until the semester begins to get your material, all of the required textbooks may not be in stock. In this case, you may get behind in your schoolwork already as you wait for the book. Instead, look for secondhand books on sites like eBay and Amazon to make sure you get all your readings at an affordable price.
Take a look at your course outline to determine what additional supplies you need for each class.
Check with your school to see what kind of scrubs you need. Some schools may require you get scrubs with their logo on them, while others may let you pick any scrubs.
2. Use a planner to keep track of exams, assignments, and important dates. To help you manage your workload, record all of your homework assignments, exams, and important dates in a monthly planner as soon as you receive your syllabus. Record the assignments and dates for each of your classes, and consider color-coding the planner by class or by level of assignment. This way, you can prevent getting overwhelmed by all of the due dates and exams once the semester gets started.
For example, you can color-code your planner so red is for exams, blue is for reading, green is for assignments, and orange is for clinicals.
By recording your workload during syllabus week, you can get a sense of what to expect in the upcoming semester. For instance, if you want to plan a trip home to see your family, you can easily skim through the planner to find a date in between your exams.
You can use a planner notebook, binder, or cell phone app.
3. Write “To-Do” lists daily so you can prioritize your work. Look at the assignments for the upcoming week in your planner, and assess what you need to get done in just that week of time. Write the tasks you need to do in the order in which they need to get done. This way, you can focus on one thing at a time, rather than getting stressed and overwhelmed by the magnitude of your workload.
For example, write out, “To do - Monday: Study for anatomy quiz from 10 to noon, read course materials from noon to 2, clinical from 3 to 5 pm, finish laundry, grocery shop, meal prep.”
4. Get a study guide to help you with the challenging classes. In addition to your required textbooks, utilize the NCLEX study guide to help you learn the material. This is a supplementary book that breaks down the key material. Read over the sections that correspond with your coursework, and complete the practice quizzes included in the book. You can use it both to study for your classwork and the NCLEX nursing test.
Studying based on the nursing exam can help you feel more confident knowing that you will have to take the test in the future.
For example, after you finish your required reading material, find the section in your study guide that covers the same key topics. Compare your notes with the information in the study guide to expand your knowledge.
5. Complete your prerequisites as early as possible. Prerequisites are introduction classes that get you ready for the bulk of your nursing studies. These can include basic math, English, and science classes. Schedule these classes early into your studies, as the more difficult classes often require you to complete these first. If you are in the US, you can complete your prerequisites at most accredited community colleges.
For example, some prerequisite classes include anatomy, physiology, microbiology, statistics, and introduction to psychology.
If you plan on going for a BSN or Master's in nursing, you may also consider taking your prerequisites at a local university. However, most community college credits will transfer to 4-year schools, and are often more affordable.
6. Study each day to learn the material covered in class in small sections. In nursing school, your courses will span biology, physiology, chemistry, and anatomy. You cannot effectively cram the information right before the exam, so be sure to spend a few hours each day reviewing the material your professor is covering in class. This way, you’ll retain more information and not feel stressed out by difficult subjects.
For instance, read over the notes you take during class and as you read to ensure you master the material. If you are unsure of something, go back and reread the section or chapter.
Find a study pattern that works well for you. For example, some people are comfortable sitting down for a few hours at a time to read, while others take smaller breaks between each chapter. Study using the method that is most effective your learning style.
7. Finish the assignments and reading material on time. Make a note of each due date in your planner so you can always complete your homework when it is assigned. Also, be sure to read over all of the material as it is assigned to you. If you don’t complete your assignments on time or if you skip over the assigned reading material, you’ll quickly fall behind in class.
Turn in your assignments either online or in person, based on what your instructor prefers.
8. Eliminate distractions as you work so you can focus. While you are in class or studying at home, put your cell phone away and turn off the TV. Choose study music without lyrics so you are less distracted by the songs. It's also helpful to organize your study space before you get started. By focusing on only your studies, you can retain more information and improve your study habits.
By eliminating distractions, you are also more likely to finish your work faster. Then, when you've finished your studying goals for the day, you can use an episode of your favorite program as a reward.
9. Reach out to your professors for help early on if you are struggling. There’s no denying nursing school is difficult, as there is a lot of information to learn in a short amount of time. If you feel swamped with work or aren’t understanding a concept, ask your instructor for help after class or during their office hours. Your professor is there to help you succeed, and they can explain difficult concepts or offer study tips.
For example, if the circulatory system in anatomy is giving you trouble, go to your professor's office hours and ask them to review the system with you once again.
Don’t wait until you are completely overwhelmed or do poorly on an exam to get assistance. Consider participating in study groups, writing workshops, and library programming to help you stay ahead of your studies.

Method 2 Doing Well in Clinicals.
1. Be focused and attentive watching the demonstrations. The clinical portion of your studies is your opportunity to use the information you learned in class in real-life application. When in clinicals, pay attention to each demonstration, and ask questions as they come to you. Be active in discussions to show your commitment and desire to learn.
For example, watch closely as your professor figures out which vein to draw blood from. If you want suggestions about which vein to choose, ask your instructor.
If you can’t see the demonstration completely, move to a position where you can.
2. Volunteer when your professor asks for assistance. Volunteering during clinical is a great way to develop your nursing abilities since you apply your knowledge in real-time scenarios. You may be scared or cautious at first, but gather some courage and go for it! Use as many opportunities as you can to practice the nursing techniques instructed in class and in the lab.
For example, your professor may ask for someone to demonstrate taking a patient’s temperature. Raise your hand so you can show the class your understanding of this basic nursing skill.
3. Go back to the lab after clinicals if you want additional practice. If you want extra time developing your skills, visit the lab after your scheduled clinical time to get more hands-on feedback from your professors. You can ask your instructors questions, get more practice time, and interact with patients. This is a great idea if you are still confused about class material or want extra help before a big exam.
This often demonstrates your passion and dedication to your professors and patients alike.

Method 3 Balancing Your Personal Life and Nursing School.
1. Befriend other nursing students so they can offer you support. Other nursing students are the only people that also know the particular struggles of nursing school, and they can be a great resource to offer you support and encouragement. Introduce yourself to others before and after class, and ask them where they are from, what they like about nursing, and why they chose this profession.
Once you’re friends with other nursing students, they may be able to offer you helpful study tips, words of encouragement, or a listening ear. You can also help support each other with notes and study sessions if you or one of your friends has to miss a class.
2. Throw study parties to learn from other nursing students. Gather a group of 3-5 or so nursing friends, and go over your class material together. Studying in a group forces you to be disciplined, and everyone can keep each other focused and accountable. If you are unsure or confused about certain topics, the other students can clarify for you. Study parties help you learn the material and prepare for upcoming exams.
This is a great way to stay social while still keeping up with your studies.
For instance, when you are in a study group, you can come up with mnemonics, or a pattern or letters or ideas that help you memorize information.
You can also practice with flashcards and play study games such as Jeopardy.
3. Manage your free time so you can squeeze in extracurricular activities. As a nursing student, you’ll have a tight schedule. However, if your schedule permits it, set aside time for your hobbies or leisure activities, even if it’s for only 30-60 minutes. With this time, you can join a club, go jogging, play soccer, read a book or magazine, or volunteer.
If your schedule doesn’t permit it, you may have to postpone your favorite activities until after the semester ends. Be sure to find some things outside of school to focus on each week, though. Exercise, for example, can be a great way to take your mind off your studies and keep yourself healthy, even if you only have 20 free minutes a day.
4. Take breaks when needed so you don’t get burnt out. Keep in mind that nursing school is a marathon, not a sprint, so you need to pace yourself as you go. A study break could be grabbing lunch with your friends, stretching for 5-15 minutes, or moving to a new study location. Even just a change of scenery can help freshen things up and reset your focus.
While you can veg out in front of the TV for a bit, for example, keep in mind that your break should be brief enough for you to still get all of your work done.

Community Q&A.

Question : What to do if I lose focus?
Answer : Move away from your studies and take a walk or listen to music. Then come back to your studies. You are not learning while not focused.


Make a note of the mental health resources available on campus. If you are overwhelmed with life and need to decompress, you can reach out to a counselor or drop in for stress-relieving event.