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How to Prevent Medication Errors in Nursing, Career Near Me

How to Prevent Medication Errors in Nursing, Career Near Me

Considering the volume of medication a nurse must administer, medication errors and adverse drug effects may seem inevitable. While an electronic medication and prescription system may help avoid some handwritten mistakes, human error can creep in at each step. That's why a conscious effort to prevent medication errors in nursing is a must.

1. Utilize at least 2 identifiers that are specific to the patient before administering medication. For example, along with the patient's name, ask for his date of birth to make sure the prescription matches the patient.
Establish a system to identify those patients who have similar names. It can be as simple as a special sticker or marker on the patient's chart. In these instances, a third identifier may be needed to avoid medication errors.
2. Ask the patient about allergies and reactions to medications before any new medication is administered. Include this information in her chart.
3. Avoid abbreviations, which can be easily misinterpreted when documenting medication allergies.
4. Pay close attention to the patient's critical diagnoses which can affect not only the selection of medication but also dose and frequency. Those patients with kidney, liver and psychiatric diseases, as well as diabetes mellitus fall under this category.
You should also document whether or not the patient is pregnant or has completed a pregnancy test, and the patient's smoking, alcohol, and substance use. Her medical history on these issues can help in medication decision-making, including dose and frequency.
5. Note the patient's current medication regimen and update the list at each doctor's visit. This should be documented in the same location on his chart so it's easy to locate.
Not only should you document prescribed medications, but any over-the-counter medicines or supplements, the dose and frequency.
6. Recognize which medications could cause serious harm if administered incorrectly.
For example, in the U.S., the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) has a list of such medications deemed to be "high alert." These drugs should be committed to memory and red-flagged when taking the patient's medication history.
7. Learn and differentiate drug names that are similar. Most of the drugs that sound similar or are spelled similarly to another drug have different uses.
For example, the drug Celebrex is commonly used to treat arthritis while the similarly named Cerebyx is used to treat seizures.
8. Repeat the order when calling prescriptions into a pharmacy for a patient. Make sure to read each number individually such as "1-5" instead of 15 to help prevent errors in dosage.
9. Store "high alert" or similar-sounding drugs in separate areas so they won't be easily confused. Make sure the drug storage area is well organized.
Go through your medication storage area at least quarterly. Discard any expired medication and make sure medication labels are easy to read and facing forward on the shelf.
10. Keep current on new information relating to prescription medications and their effects.
Purchase the latest editions of drug reference resources such as the "Merck Manual" or "Drug Facts and Comparisons."
Look to the Institute For Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) for continuing education classes and their newsletter for further tips on how to prevent medication errors in nursing.


When preparing your patient's medication, do not hold conversations with your co-workers at the same time because you may get distracted and make an error.
Subscribe to and read nursing journals regularly to stay up-to-date on new drugs.
Attend any inservices offered by the pharmacy department for continuing education.
If you have any questions about your patients' meds, speak to the pharmacist or the prescribing physician - don't be afraid that you'll look stupid (the patient's safety and your licence are of utmost importance).
If you do make a med error, do not try to cover it up. Your patient's safety comes first. As soon as you become aware of the mistake, check on and attend to your patient, document his vitals and any signs and symptoms as well as your actions, notify your manager, and follow procedures specific to your workplace.