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How to Prepare for Nursing School, Career Near Me

How to Prepare for Nursing School, Career Near Me

Nursing is a wonderful profession that will challenge you emotionally and mentally and help you comfort and care for those in need. The rigors of nursing school are well documented, but you can succeed in school if you plan well and organize yourself ahead of time. Understand the various types of nursing degrees and the career options open to them and choose the one that's the best fit for you. Meet those already in the field and develop connections with fellow students to increase your knowledge of the medical profession and begin to network for future jobs. Once you're in school, key steps like developing good study habits and finding ways to relieve stress will contribute to your success.

Method 1 Deciding on a Degree.
1. Complete a certified nursing assistant (CNA) training program. CNAs work as aides to nurses, completing tasks such as cleaning, filing, or scheduling. You can receive your CNA certificate after approximately 72 hours of training.
2. Become a licensed practical nurse (LPN). Earning an LPN degree typically takes one year of full-time study or two years if the courses are taken part time. LPNs are considered dependent practitioners, meaning they are always under the direction and supervision of another professional, such as a registered nurse. With this degree, you can administer medications, collect vital signs, and collect specimens from patients.
In Texas and California, LPNs are referred to as LVNs (licensed vocational nurses).
Classes in an LPN program are heavily focused on anatomy and physiology, and the majority of the curriculum is clinical practice.
LPN degrees are offered at a range of settings, such as technical schools, hospitals, community colleges, and privately owned nursing schools.
3. Explore how to become a Registered Nurse (RN). RNs can perform a variety of jobs within the healthcare world, including trauma nurses, occupational health nurses, psychiatric nurses, or intensive care nurses. To achieve this certification, you will need to either complete an associate of science in nursing (ASN) or an associate’s degree in nursing, which typically takes two years at a community college. Another option is to pursue a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN), which is a four-year degree.
Attaining an associate’s degree in nursing is the quickest way to become a nurse, but BSNs typically hold supervisory positions, so the extra schooling may be of interest to you.
If you have an associate’s degree, you may be eligible for an accelerated RN-to-BSN degree program, in which you receive credit for skills learned through work experience and previous schooling. This typically takes two years to complete.
4. Consider pursuing a master of science degree in nursing (MSN). To further specialize in the nursing field, you can complete an MSN program in fields such as nurse-midwifery, nursing education, or geriatrics. You will also be able to teach at the college level if you hold an MSN degree, which usually takes about two years to complete.
Nursing professions collectively known as advanced practice nurses, like nurse anesthetists, nursing administrator, or clinical nurse specialist, require a MSN.

Method 2 Learning More About the Field.
1. Volunteer at a local clinic or hospital. Healthcare settings are almost always in need of volunteers, and you will be able to learn more about nursing, and healthcare in general, by immersing yourself in a medical setting. Contact local nursing homes, VA hospitals, or children’s hospitals and ask about volunteer opportunities.
Volunteering will help you confirm that a career in nursing is what you want, and you will be helping others in the process.
You will be able to make some valuable contacts while volunteering.
You may also be able to shadow a nurse while volunteering if you sign a confidentiality form. This can give you a glimpse into what an average day on the job is like.
2. Network with local nurses. Call the human resources or outreach departments at local hospitals and ask to set up interviews with nurses. Tell them you are a prospective student and want to learn more about the field and what to expect in school.
Nurses will be able to give you advice about how to handle your studies and maintain a school-life balance. They will also be able to offer their expertise on how to study for and pass the licensure exams.
Some of the nurses you connect with may agree to mentor you throughout nursing school.
Your nursing connections may also be able to help you find a placement when it is time to complete the clinical portion of your studies.
3. Educate yourself about current happenings in nursing. Read as much as you can about the nursing profession and medical field so that you are aware of current trends or issues. Subscribe to newsfeeds from healthcare news sites. This will help you bring a real-life focus to your studies.
Online nursing forums are a good resource for current issues in the medical community.

Method 3 Setting Yourself Up for Success.
1. Meet some future classmates. If your school hosts social events or get-togethers before classes start, plan to attend them. Nursing school can be stressful, and it will be helpful to have a set of peers who understand and can help you through the challenges you’ll face as a nursing student.
2. Familiarize yourself with the NCLEX exams. Every nurse will need to pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) prior to working in the field. Review a study guide for the NCLEX before you start your studies and as you progress through school. This will help you understand the types of questions asked and the subjects that are featured on the exams.
There are different versions for registered nurses (NCLEX-RN) and licensed practical nurses (NCLEX-PN).
You will not have to worry about the NCLEX if you plan to become a CNA. CNAs do not take the NCLEX. They take a separate exam for CNAs.
3. Set good study habits. It is easy to become overwhelmed with the sheer volume of work involved in nursing school, as well as the wealth of knowledge you need to master. Schedule study time in your planner and develop good habits, like studying a little each day and reviewing your notes during your down time.
Your professors will undoubtedly assign numerous chapters to read each week. Instead of trying to memorize all of them, focus more attention on the material covered in class.
Keep in mind that you will using what you learn when treating patients. You may understand and master the material better if you think, “How will this information help me treat patients?”
4. Join or start a study group. Your school may already have study groups set up, or you could form one with some friends. With a study group, you can compare notes, study for tests, and practice demonstrating skills.
You will retain more knowledge and be less stressed if you study, either with a group or alone, on a regular basis rather than cram the night before exams.
5. evelop strong organizational skills. Nursing school involves learning a lot of material, sometimes in a short period of time. Since you will also be busy with other aspects of your life, you will need to figure out a way to remain organized and on top of things. Use either a daily planner, a wall calendar, or an online scheduling program to block out time for studying, projects, and all of the reading you will need to do.
Use the alerts on your smart phone to keep track of upcoming exams and paper deadlines.
Keep all of your nursing gear in one place at home, so you always know where it is.
Organize other aspects of your life as well, like scheduling time for errands and household chores.
6. Take care of your logistical needs. Your outside life won’t stop just because you’re busy with nursing school. Be sure to have solid plans for your living arrangements, transportation, and income stream before starting your program.
If you can, live at home with your parents or find a roommate to share expenses with. This type of living situation can also be helpful because household chores won’t fall only on you.
If you plan to work during school, be upfront with your supervisor about your schedule. It will typically change every 8 weeks, so flexibility is a must for your job.

Method 4 Preparing Yourself Emotionally and Physically.
1. Be aware of the emotional issues you may face. Nursing school can be grueling and emotionally taxing, and these feelings can be amplified when you begin to deal with patients in your clinical rotations. Essential coping skills can include confiding in fellow students or a therapist if you become overwhelmed emotionally. Taking the time to find joy and humor each day, even if you’re surrounded by very sick patients, can help as well.
Remind yourself that your patients are depending on you, and that you are impacting their lives in profound ways. This can be helpful on days that you feel sad or upset by your job.
Remember that even the best nursing care cannot solve every issue.
2. Start or continue your exercise program. Not only can exercise help relieve stress and anxiety, but it will also keep you in shape physically. Nursing school can involve physically taxing work, like lifting or moving patients. To keep in shape for these demands, you should aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise five times a week to reap the most benefits.
Incorporate strength training, particularly for your core, and flexibility exercises into your routine to prepare you for the physical demands of lifting and moving patients.
Some students find it useful to combine study sessions with exercise, like comparing notes with a classmate while taking a walk or a job.
3. Remember to eat well, even when busy. On days when you’re rushing from class to clinicals, sitting down for a meal may be the last thing on your mind. But you won’t study effectively or treat patients well if you’re not properly nourished. Plan your meals on the weekend and then shop accordingly to help you have healthy food throughout the week.
Keep healthy snacks on you at all times. Good options include granola bars, nuts, fresh or dehydrated fruits, and beef jerky.
You can turn some study sessions into healthy potluck gatherings.
4. Make a plan for managing stress. Be sure to plan enough time in your schedule for life outside of school, and incorporate things that make you happy into your daily life. The rigors of nursing school can be stressful, so you want to have outlets so you can bring your best self to school each day.
Think about things that boost your mood, like taking time for a relaxing cup of coffee or tea or chatting with a friend. Remember to incorporate those into your days as often as possible to keep yourself emotionally healthy.
If possible, take advantage of a school break by getting away, even if it’s just a day trip. A change of scenery can be beneficial in clearing your mind and lifting your spirits.