How to Maintain a Straight and Level Flight when Flying a Plane, Career Near Me
How to Maintain a Straight and Level Flight when Flying a Plane, Career Near Me
Having trouble holding straight and level? Or, are you interested in learning to fly? Being able to maintain straight and level flight is an important fundamental skill in flying an airplane.Steps.
1. Control Bank. Use the Control wheel or stick to control the bank of the airplane. If the airplane is in a bank to the right rotate the wheel (or push the stick) to the left to level the wings. Vice versa if the airplane is banked to the left. It is difficult to tell if the airplane is banked by looking forward. Look at the wingtips to determine if the airplane is banked. When both wing tips are equal distant from the horizon your wings are level.
2. Control Pitch. Pushing forward on the control wheel or stick will move the nose down and pulling will move the nose up. Pick a point on the windshield to hold the horizon. Make sure the wings are still level from the previous step. If the wings are not level this can affect your perspective of pitch especially if you are not sitting in the middle of the airplane such as in side by side seating.
3. Control Yaw. Use the rudder pedals to control yaw. If you feel that you are sliding to the left in your seat step on the left rudder pedal, and if you feel you are sliding to the right step on the right rudder pedal . You should feel as if you are getting pushed straight down through the seat at all times! Most airplanes have a small ball on the instrument panel known as inclinometer. There is saying "step on the ball" which means if the ball is on the left apply more left rudder pedal pressure and if it is on the right apply more right rudder pedal pressure. Many airplanes will require at least little bit of constant pressure on one pedal (even in straight and level flight) or another so it might help to try to keep only one foot on the rudder pedals at any one time, and vary the amount of pressure on that pedal.
4. Multi-task and use small corrections. Once you are able to do all of the above at the same time it's time to move on to the next tasks. Also, make small corrections. Small corrections means that even if the airplane is not exactly where you want it as long as its getting there don't add in any more additional control inputs. After you have developed some skill then you can become more aggressive.
5. Controlling Airspeed Using Trim. For a given pitch attitude (where the horizon is on the windshield) and power setting (the throttle position) there will be a corresponding airspeed. While either power or pitch can be used to control airspeed, airspeed can be controlled more accurately with the use of pitch. To increase speed, pitch down. To decrease speed, pitch up. You will find to hold a specific pitch attitude you may need to hold considerable force on the stick use the trim to relieve these forces. If you feel that you are constantly holding the nose up use some nose up trim. If you feel you are constantly holding the nose down use nose down trim. Don't be afraid of the trim use as much or as little as you want. When you are trimmed correctly it should feel as if the nose would not move if you were to let go of the control wheel or stick.
6. Be Patient. After making a pitch change it will take a few seconds for the airplane to accelerate. Lower the nose, wait, check the airspeed, make another SMALL correction, wait, check the airspeed. As the airspeed changes you will also need to make trim changes too.
7. Going Up. If you are below the desired altitude add some power (increase throttle). You will need to establish a higher pitch attitude to maintain the airspeed. If it looks like you are climbing you do not need to do anything more as long as you are moving to your desired altitude.
8. Going Down. If you are too high reduce power. You will need to lower the pitch attitude again to maintain airspeed. Remember only change the power enough to get you moving in the right direction.
9. Maintain Level. Maintain level flight by "tweaking" the power ever so slightly so that the airplane does not climb or descend.
Use small corrections.
Avoid looking at the instruments: You can hold altitude remarkably well by watching the ground with your peripheral vision, airspeed by sound, and Coordination(Yaw control) with the "seat of your pants"
Practice. After about 1-3 lessons most people are ready to move on to something more challenging.
If things get dicey let go. The airplane is built to fly and whatever situation you get it into MOST of the time it can figure itself out.
Make sure you bring a flight instructor with you the first time trying this!
Things You'll Need.
An airplane. The simpler the better.
A Certified Flight Instructor.